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The bird species in Kidepo Valley National Park (KVNP): Kidepo Valley National Park Uganda is a true birder’s paradise, protecting dozens of bird species making it one of Uganda’s leading birding destinations. Kidepo Valley National Park, a splendid Uganda safari park is a haven to over 475 bird species, which range in the iconic sites. It comes 3rd after Queen Elizabeth National Park among Uganda’s leading bird watching destinations. Of the 475 bird species, 60 are endemic birds and they range from savanna plains, wetlands, vegetation variations and attracts migratory birds often spotted from November to April.

Birds in Kidepo

Kidepo Valley National Park protects diversity of important bird species including the Brown rumped bunting, Dark chanting goshawk, Superb starling, Purple grenadier, Brown back woodpeckers, Fan tailed raven, Abyssinian roller, Karamoja apalis, Fox kestrel, Ethiopian swallow, Violet tipped courser, Vinaceous dove, Bruce’s green pigeon,  White billed buffalo weavers, Mosque swallow, Rufous chatter, Jackson’s hornbills, Red winged lark. Others include Egyptian vultures, Pygmy falcons, Secretary bird, Ostriches, Kori Bustard, Little green bee-eater.

Kidepo is also notable for its birds of prey. Of the 56 species recorded, 14, including Verreaux’s eagle, Egyptian vulture and pygmy falcon, are believed to be endemic to the Kidepo and Karamoja region. There has however been no comprehensive survey of birds in Kidepo and visitors stand a good chance of adding to the current list.

An estimate of over 475 bird species are all living in Kidepo Valley National Park making it a great destination not to sight only mammal species but also birds while on Uganda safari. The park is ranked Uganda’s 3rd destination with diverse bird species which are sheltered in the different parts/habitats. They include East Africa’s unique and most sought for avifaunal species especially Black breasted barbet, Karamoja apalis.

The commonly sighted birds not to miss sighting at the Apoka Rest Camp & park headquarters overlooking the Southern Narus Valley of Kidepo National Park include Scarlet chested sunbird, Ruppel’s super starlings, Nubian woodpeckers, Little weavers, Red cheeked cordon bleu, Vinaceous doves. At the edge of Apoka Camp, expect sighting diversity of seed eater birds including Black coucals, Yellow rumped seed-eaters, Broad tailed warblers, African moustached, Clapperton’s francolins, Crimson rumped waxbill etc.

There are also several avifaunal species not to miss sighting while on Kidepo safaris including Ostriches, Fox Kestrel, African swallow tailed kite, Eastern pale chanting goshawk, Pygmy falcons, Violet tipped coursers, Yellow necked spur fowl, African grey flycatchers, Ethiopian swallows, 4 banded sand grouse, Abyssinian ground, Rose ringed parakeet, White faced scoops owl, Mouse colored penduline tit, Brown rumped bunting, Speckle fronted weavers, Red billed ox-peckers. The best birding sites in Kidepo Valley NP and also for game viewing include Namamukweny, Kanangorok Hot Springs, Lonyili Mountain & Mt. Morungole, Lomej Hills etc.