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Looking to taking a safari in Uganda? Sometimes you may need specialist equipment in order to enjoy a memorable safari. Specialist equipment is always dependant on your interests and activities that are included in your trip itinerary.
For those with interests – photography, bird watching and wildlife enthusiasts here are some of the things that you should bring to Uganda

The better ones start about $250: you get what you pay for! Waterproof binoculars are great in Uganda as they are also dust-proof. For most travelers stick with 8 or 10 magnification and 32 objective. These will be lighter than the 42 objectives which are heavy to carry all day.

Choose something which you know you can handle – a heavy camera with many settings will be off-putting for some people to use. For good wildlife shots, get at least 8X optical zoom. Six to eight megapixels is fine unless you want poster-size photos. Bring a lens cloth to remove dust, several changes of batteries (even if you use rechargeables – not all sites have power points) and take several 1GB memory cards instead of one large one, to avoid losing all your photos if something goes wrong.